

Check out fun facts and interesting activities linked to peoples from the past!

Puku B is run by archaeologist Vanessa who has worked around the world they share their knowledge with others, if you have a question or something you would like to find out about then contact us and we will do our best to answer. When you complete these activities we’d love to see them over on our Facebook page Puku B – Living History Workshops.

Stone Age to Iron Age

Want to have a go at cooking like people from the Neolithic forward. Have a go at 'Making a sandwich the old fashioned way' by learning how to make bread, butter and cheese.

Vikings/Anglo Saxons

Want to have a go at cooking like people from the Anglo Saxon and Viking periods.  Change up your breakfast by trying barley porridge.  


Our Maya timeline is all muddled up, can you sort it out? You can find out all about it on our YouTube video here. 

The Maya were excellent farmers. Find out about how they farmed and some of the crops that we still eat today.

Colour and investigate a Preclassic ahau from Kaminaljuyu or the classic Lady VI Sky from Naranjo. Can you spot the captive?

The Maya built from materials they could find, stone, wood and plaster. Some where tall and others were small. Which will you build? A house,  a temple or a combed temple.

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